
Ladies Club

Ladies Club

About Us

We are a group of ladies who get together once a month to enjoy each other’s company and eat good food!

Each month we have a different activity in our programme. These may include guest speakers, games, movies, crafts and a whole lot more.

Contact Us

+27 79 192 2604

You can contact our Chairlady, Marcia Fletcher for more information about our next meeting and to join the club.

When We Meet

We meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 14:00 for 14:30. The venue varies from month to month


We are serious about adhering to COVID protocols, and request that all attendees we their masks during meetings.

We want to keep everyone safe and healthy!

Can I attend?

All our meetings are open to visitors. Visitors are asked to make a small contribution of R 10 for tea, and if you are feeling lucky, R 10 for our monthly raffle!

Who can join?

Any lady who is interested may join. The annual fee is R 40.

Our Latest Meeting

Deborah and Monica, our guest speakers

We had our first meeting of 2021 on the 13th of April. This was the first meeting in a very long time, as we were not able to meet for most of 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions. There was much excitement and the Bowls Club was abuzz with everyone’s excitement to see each other again.

Dede opened the meeting with a reading (Time by Patience Strong) and a prayer. Marcia welcomed all the visitors, and read a letter from founder member Marie White who dedicated herself to the club for 30 years. Marie has moved to Springbok in the Northern Cape. Karen introduced our guest speakers, Dr Deborah Robertson-Andersson and Monica Maroun.

Deborah and Monica shared some fascinating information with us about Kei Mouth’s involvement in the WESSA Green Coast initiative, and Invasive Alien Plants. Many of us have been living in Kei Mouth for years and weren’t aware of some of the incredible natural beauty that we have on our doorstep. As an example, we did not know that just off the Kei River Mouth, there is a beautiful coral garden that is not found anywhere else in South Africa.

What a treat! we were enthralled listening to these two young ladies who are such an asset to our community and surroundings. Their talk was very impressive and informative with many questions being asked from the floor. Thank you Deborah and Monica

Jackie Springer won the raffle draw

Our oldest club member, Ria Fourie

Our next meeting: 11 May

Contact Marcia on: 079 192 2604 for more details.

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