GKM & ADM Debt Relief Schemes

Great Kei Municipality and Amathole District Municipality have both initiated a Debt Reduction Payment incentive scheme for residents and business’ with account more than 90 days in arrears.

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Great Kei Municipality Debt Reduction Scheme

Great Kei Municipality have recognised that many are struggling to pay their bills since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and have thus initiated a debt relief scheme to assist those who have not been able to keep up with their payments.

The Great Kei Local Municipality has embarked on a COVID-19 debt incentive scheme to encourage residents to pay for municipal services. The Council resolved to provide an incentive framework detailed below, within which qualifying debts of participants to the scheme will be written off in exchange for prompt and timeous payments of future accounts rendered by the Municipality.

Eligibility for participation in the scheme is subject to the terms and conditions as contained in the COVID-19 incentive scheme.

How does it work?

Applications for participation in the scheme are to be made between 1 July 2021 and 30 October 2021.

Step 1: Apply by completing the form and emailing it to:  incentivescheme@greatkeilm.gov.za

Step 2: You will receive confirmation of your application along with your amount owing.

Step 3: You pay 50% of the total bill upfront within 7 days of receiving confirmation that you qualify for debt relief.

Step 4: This then qualifies you for a 30% discount on the total owing.

Step 5: The remaining 20% that you owe is paid over 12 months.

In summary – The effective discount that you will receive is 30%.

The added relief is that after you have paid 50% of the debt off, you will be able to pay the remaining 20% over 12 months.

For example:

You owe R 1000,00

You pay R 500,00 immediately.

Of the R 500 that is still owing, R 300 id deducted (30% of the total amount owing.)

You now owe R 200, which will be divided by 12

R16,67, will then be paid monthly for the next 12 months.

This amount will be added to your bill each month, along with your current billing amount.

Who qualifies & how do I apply?

Anyone whose account is more than 30 days in arrears may apply for the Debt Reduction Scheme. This include pensioners who have already received a 40% rebate.

Complete the application form and email it to:  incentivescheme@greatkeilm.gov.za

What if my account is up to date?

All accounts that are up to date will receive a 40% discount for 3 months, provided your account stays up to date.

For more info on this, visit https://greatkeilm.gov.za/

Have any further questions? email incentivescheme@greatkeilm.gov.za

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Amathole Debt Reduction Payment Incentive Scheme

The Amathole District Municipality has embarked on a debt reduction payment scheme to encourage residents and businesses to pay for municipal services. The Council has resolved to provide an incentive framework detailed below, within which qualifying debts of participants to the scheme will be written off in exchange for prompt, and timeous payments of future accounts rendered by the Municipality.

Eligibility for participation in the scheme is subject to terms and conditions as contained in the approved debt incentive scheme policy; applications received for participation in the scheme are to be received within the validity period of the scheme, the scheme will commence on the 1 July 2021 and will terminate on 31st October 2021.

How does it work?

Step 1: Apply by completing the form and emailing it to: charnaes@amathole.gov.za

Step 2: You will receive confirmation of your application along with your amount owing.

Step 3: You pay the correct amount.

Who qualifies & What payment options are available?

Accounts 90+ days in arrears qualify

60% discount

After confirming the amount owing, and selecting the once-off payment options, you will receive a 60% discount on the total amount outstanding.

50% discount

Choose to pay over 1-3 monthly installments and get 50% discount.

The Process:

1. Complete the Application form

2. Email the completed form to charnaes@amathole.gov.za

3. Confirm your amount owing and pay according to your chosen option

Disclaimer: The above information is as we understand it. If you are uncertain or have any queries relating to the above, contact the relevant municipality for clarification.

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